You can read all the advice on the net and you can practice with your camera until the settings are perfect, but sometimes, the best way to figure out how you want your images to look is to take inspiration from those who have spent a lifetime creating stunning photos.
Many amateur photographers, especially those who are just getting to grips with their very first DSLR camera, get all caught up in technicalities. While it is important to learn the ins and outs of taking technically perfect photos, no one looks at a photograph and decides it is important because it is technically good.
People judge the images they see based on how interesting and beautiful they are.
The best way to take epic photos is to get out there and practice. That is what has made these wildlife photographers masters of their craft and earned them the international recognition that has bolstered their careers and made them a popular source of inspiration.
If there is one lesson that you can take from Franz Lanting, it is that photography should be about storytelling and not just about what you see in front of you. Lanting has become an industry giant and he isn’t afraid of using vivid colours in the images that he creates.
A regular contributor to National Geographic and a photographer who is sincere in his love and passion for nature, van Oosten has been awarded numerous accolades for his intense wildlife photography. He contrasts the focal point of his images beautifully with the background and he doesn’t shy away from fully incorporating a detailed background.
Known for her cute images of baby animals and the intimate moments often not seen by wildlife safari travellers, Eszterhas is an award winning photographer whose images have appeared on numerous magazine covers. Her photography can serve as an inspiration for those who don’t want to only take photos of big and showy wildlife scenes.
In the years that she has been taking wildlife photos, Groo has created a fantastic catalogue of memorable photos and in the process she has been awarded for her efforts. What makes her images so iconic is her commitment to making light a prominent factor in her work.
Another wildlife photographer rooted in storytelling, Ami Vitale is a one of a kind photographer whose work often brings tears to the eyes of those who view it. She takes a step into the conservation side of things, often photographing sensitive, heart wrenching moments.
Ultimately, the photography style that you adopt will be something that will come to you through the process, rather than something you can just copy from someone else. Give yourself time and lots of room for improvement, and be unafraid of making changes and experimenting with the way you work with your camera.
Ready to get more hands on with your photography? Book an African photo safari today.